
Join us at the Jostens San Diego National Workshop to jump-start your best yearbook ever. This unique workshop features an award-winning staff, specialty tracks and staff planning sessions designed to meet your individual staff needs.

YEARBOOK TRACKS are designed for those staffs that desire a yearbook that range from strong journalistic publications to more focused on school expectations. Staffs will be placed with teaching teams that will guide them to develop the publication that best suits their student body and publishing goals.

  • BEGINNING YEARBOOK: If you are brand new to yearbook, the Beginning Yearbook track is for you. This track will cover yearbook basics as well as concept development, book structure, coverage ideas and design guidelines.

  • ADVANCED YEARBOOK (editors & experienced): For editors and staffers with one or more years of experience, the Advanced Yearbook track will focus on advanced yearbook strategies. Participants will leave with a strong understanding of concept development, coverage and design.

  • MIDDLE SCHOOL: this track is reserved for middle/junior high school staffers and advisers. Participants will learn basic yearbook terminology, concept development, caption and headline writing, as well as yearbook design and production. Workshop director will reassign track if insufficient enrollment.

ADVISER 101 TRACK is for new, no experience advisers. Advisers will be introduced to yearbook components, such as theme development, coverage strategies, staff management, grading and the yearbook kit.

ADVISER 202 TRACK is for experienced advisers. This is your opportunity to master the basics, ask those unanswered questions and share your experiences.


BASIC PHOTOJOURNALISM TRACK will discuss basic camera handling, parts and applications, correct use of aperture and shutter speed as well as the best choice of film speeds for events. Please bring digital camera, batteries, media storage card. NOTE: There is limited capacity in this track. Enrollment is based on first come, first served.

ADVANCED PHOTOJOURNALISM TRACK will discuss the relationship between shutter and aperture, ISO, composition, camera filters and ethics. Course is geared toward digital camera use on publications staffs. Learn to choose the best lenses and shooting situations with emphasis on successful sports shots and guidelines for unique rather than cliché. Please bring digital camera, batteries, media storage card. NOTE: There is limited capacity in this track. Enrollment is based on first come, first served.

WRITING TRACK will explore principles of solid reporting to ‘find the story’ as well as journalistic writing process. Feature, headline and caption writing skills will be mastered.

ADVANCED DESIGN will explore advanced design theory, techniques and strategies. Mastery of the basic design principles is a must for this track. A sample of your original work that demonstrates your mastery of three levels of white space and color usage in addition to the basics is required. Concept Development will not be covered in this track. This track is intended for designers, not editors-in-chiefs. Participants must bring a laptop computer & Jostens YBA login.
