Frequently Asked Questions


dates and times

  • Workshop Check In on Monday, July 22, in Camino-Founders Courtyard | 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Directions to Check In: From Linda Vista Road, enter at the West Entrance, continue on Marion Way to the three-way stop

  • Attendees can use their workshop meal card to get lunch after registering and before the opening general session

  • Opening Session begins at 12:45 PM in Shiley Theater (Camino Hall) on Monday, July 22

  • Awards Celebration begins at 11:30 AM on Thursday, July 25

before the workshop

  • Please complete and submit the release form BEFORE you arrive. Forms can be found HERE (coming soon)

  • Complete forms can be emailed to

  • Send payments to: Jostens National Yearbook Workshop | 7760 France Ave S, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55435 as soon as possible

  • Parking Permits are REQUIRED for all vehicles on campus. Please purchase and print your pass PRIOR to arrival

things to bring:

  • Laptops: not required but most students will find that a laptop comes in handy

  • Fan, shower shoes, a personal pillow or blanket (though we also provide them)

  • Last year’s book and ladder

  • Photographers registered for either Beginning or Advanced Photography Tracks need to bring the following:

    • An SLR digital camera

    • Batteries and storage media

    • Card reader

    • A tripod if you have one

  • The No Talent-Talent Show promises prizes for First Place No-talent and First Place Talent. Bring props, tunes and skits.